Monday, September 27, 2010

Sharing with friends

I remember when Briyana and I got engaged.  We were down in Austin with her parents when we got engaged, and on the next day we had to drive back to Fort Worth.  We were so excited to share the news with our friends and family.  We would look at each other and immediately smile and giggle.  We t were on cloud 9.  I will never forget those feelings.

Yesterday we had the chance to share our ministry with several couples.  In the morning we shared with a ministry called LAUNCH, and the evening we shared with some close friends at their house.  Both times, couples were so excited to see what we were doing.  They were encouraging, and genuinely interested in the ministry.  It reminded me of how Briyana and I felt when we got engaged. 

We left our friends house late in the evening and praised God for his provision and encouragement.  It's fun to see others get excited about your ministry and want to participate in it with you. 

God Bless,

Brent & Briyana

Briyana and me at the URBANA '09 Missions Conference

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