Monday, September 20, 2010

Church Multiplication

A couple of years ago I read a book called "Operation Multiplication." It was a great book that encouraged believers to develop a Paul/Timothy relationship with a younger believer. The idea was to disciple the younger believer until they were ready to disciple their own young believer. It was encouraging and fun.

This past month One Mission Society did something similar, but on a much larger scale. They had 40 pastors, from all over the world, come to headquarters in Greenwood, Indiana. While there, these pastors learned techniques to use back at home to help plant churches in areas that have never heard the gospel. The last week of the class, pastors diagrammed their plan and allowed others to review their plans and give feedback.

Today those pastors are hard at work, fulfilling their plans and allowing God to work in the hearts of nationals throughout the world.

I read this quote yesterday and I think it helps us realize the significance of missions and the desire God has for each and every individual to hear and accept the gift of salvation.

"We must be global Christians with a global vision because our God is a global God."- John Stott

As far as a personal update, Briyana and I are excited about what God has for us in the coming week. This coming Sunday Briyana and I get to present our opportunity to a ministry of Christ Chapel Bible Church called LAUNCH. LAUNCH was created to help people learn about missions and help them get involved in missions. We are also hoping to get together with a few couples during the week.

Brie is hard at work on her thesis and is excited to clear several hurdles this week in regards to research. Please pray for her as her schedule often makes her feel overwhelmed and stressed.

We write this often but we really do appreciate your support and prayers. Please let us know by leaving a comment or by emailing us if you know of anybody that would be interested in hearing about our ministry. Perhaps the Lord is challenging you to participate in ministry? Like my friend recently said, "Have you ever considered the fact that your obedience of acting in faith could be someones answer to prayer?"


Brent and Briyana

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