Friday, September 2, 2011


Last Friday, I participated in a training session that included learning how to incorporate the Evangecube into our ministries.  As part of the training we went to a local hotel we had connections with to share with those that would listen.

The hotel we visited tends to be refuge to those down on their luck.  Many of those that stay, use the hotel as last resort until they become homeless, and a large majority of them are without a job.  We knocked on several doors with no answer, but the conversations that we had with those that did answer tended to be very encouraging.

My teammate  Bill and I had a very encouraging conversation with a gentleman named Nick.  Nick is a recent U.S. Marine that has been medically discharged from the service because he suffers from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).  He invited us into his room and we began sharing with him the message of hope and salvation with our testimonies and help from the Evangecube.  We asked Nick if he had ever heard about Jesus Christ and he said yes, but when we asked him what he would say to God to let him in Heaven when he approached the day he died; he had no answer.  We asked him if he wanted to ask the Lord into his heart and he nodded.  We prayed with him and encouraged him to get plugged into a local church for fellowship and mentorship.

Since that day, Nick has begun attending a  Sunday morning church service and recently attended a Wednesday night bible study with other new believers.  He's moving out of the hotel and plans on moving in with his Father into a house.  Please continue to pray for Nick as he grows deeper in his relationship with Jesus Christ.

To God Be The Glory!!!

Brent, Briyana, and Aliyana

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