Friday, August 30, 2013

Weekly Update: 08/26/2013


If your lives have been anything like ours this week, you've been playing catch-up all week long.  Thus the reason why our weekly update is getting out until Friday.

This week at work was filled with lots of training and good byes.  Kyoung Min and Eunjin Choi, from South Korea, left yesterday after spending two weeks with us as they explored filling a position in the mobilization department at World Headquarters.  They are such a sweet couple and we cannot wait for them to join the team.  Please pray for them as they begin the long travel back to South Korea today.  Kyoung Min developed a stomach virus as they departed to travel to Chicago to make their connection today.

Yesterday, we also said good bye to Cat Traughber.  Cat has worked in the Mobilization department for the past two years, but left yesterday to begin her maternity leave.  She and her husband are set to have their first child in less than a week.  We are so excited for them, but at the same time miss her already.  She has been a great source of knowledge as I begin to learn all the different aspects to the mobilization process.

At home, Brie and Ali arrived back safely from their trip to Texas on Sunday evening.  To say that I was excited to have them back would be an understatement, but I'm glad they had a great time and a chance to see lots of friends and family.  Thank you for your prayers for their safety while traveling.  School has started back up for Briyana and she hard at work for preparing for clinicals that begin next month.  Ali, meanwhile, is quickly improving on her speech and has been a huge cuddle bug this week.  She's also learning how to be a BIG SISTER!  That's right, baby Morrell number 2 is due on March 13, 2014.  We're so excited and look forward to this blessing of a child into our family.

Thank you for your prayers and support!

The Morrell Family

Below are some pictures of Ali while in Texas:

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