Here is a quick note I received about our team that just got back from a medical trip to Ecuador:
Greeting from Ecuador!
Thank you so much for the prayers these past two weeks and more. The medical team in Susudel went very well, many were helped physically and spiritually. We were a great team composed of four practitioners, Dr. Douce, Dr. Kime, Anaclare and Lila, both nurse practitioners. The nurses from the Indiana Wesleyan bachelor program were a great encouragement to us all as they helped in so many ways. The people we served work mostly in making bricks or in agriculture. One way we could really help them was by cleaning out ears. All ages were found to have ears packed with all kinds of "gunk". The nurses carefully cleaned them and they were able to help so many hear better. Nancy Kime fitted about 140 people with reading glasses. Many couldn’t read but were so grateful for glasses to do daily tasks. We treated a lot of elderly people who haven’t seen a doctor in years. We saw pastor Nevio’s father who is 99 years old and in pretty good health! The team brought more toothbrushes than we could even distribute which made me happy. One man with terrible teeth said he never had his own toothbrush. It was maybe a little too late for him but some of the younger people were very thankful.
People from the church were encouraged by the evangelism and outreach to unsaved neighbors and we need to pray that they will attend the church and receive Christ as Savior. Pray for pastor Carlos and others at the church as they do follow up.
We traveled up to Quito to see the team off and also to attend the 34th anniversary of the Ecuadorian Association of Churches celebrated in the central district which is Quito and surrounding cities and villages. The church in Yachil was the host church this year. They shared about the intense persecution against the gospel in the 80's and 90's. Now the church is strong and growing. The visiting churches presented songs, dances, and dramas. Here are a few pictures.
One special blessing and testimony was the participation of a family from Puyo who are indigenous Shuar people. The husband was a witch doctor and drunk, but he came to know Jesus only about a month ago! He and his family sang new songs they have learned about Jesus and testified about how He had transformed their lives. PRAY THAT THEY WILL REMAIN STRONG AND GROWING IN FAITH.
Have a great week as you follow Him.
Brent, Briyana, and Aliyana
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