Monday, October 29, 2012

TWIST: 10/29/2012

This Week IShort-Term Missions:    

  • We have a group of 7 going to Cap Haitien performing a medical team and helping with some much needed work around the OMS compound from October 24-31, 2012.
  • Two men are traveling to Petite Anse, Haiti to work on some Radio equipment for Radio 4VEH from October 24-31, 2012.
  • One person is traveling to Haiti help us install new equipment for the Radio 4VEH staff from October 31-November 5, 2012.
  • A group of 3 will be traveling to Cap Haitien, Haiti from October 31-November 17, 2012 helping finish tasks that need to be complete to increase the effectiveness of our missionaries in Haiti.

  • We have one guy traveling to Cap Haitien from November 2-13, 2012 working to help us get the AM signal back on the air for Radio 4VEH.
  • We have a team of 11 ladies performing an evangelism team from October 22-31, 2012 in Madrid.
  • We have a team of 3 people traveling from November 3-10, 2012 helping our national workers perform door-to-door evangelism as our field in Colombia has the goal to see every citizen in Medellin to have a chance to receive the gospel within the next 5 years and see 20,000 house churches planted as a result.
Please pray for these teams and the ministry they will have on the people they interact with.

Monday, October 22, 2012

TWIST: 10/22/2012

This Week IShort-Term Missions:

  • We have a group of 8 going down October 20-28, 2012 to Port-au-Prince to build a house for a couple that lost theirs in the 2010 earthquake.  Pray that this house will become an extension of the church we are working with.
  • We have a group of 2 going Jeremie working with a local orphanage from October 23-28, 2012.
  • We have a group of 7 going to Cap Haitien performing a medical team and helping with some much needed work around the OMS compound from October 24-31, 2012.
The Caribbean
  • We have another prayer team of 6 people traveling from October 17-25, 2012 working with the nationals, praying for the ministries going one there, and seeing how they can better help in the future. 
  • We have a team of 11 ladies performing an evangelism team from October 22-31, 2012 in Madrid.
Dominican Republic
  • We have a prayer team of 3 people traveling from October 15-22, 2012 praying for the new ministries we will be beginning in the coming months around the city of Santiago.
Please pray for these teams and the ministry they will have on the people they interact with.

Monday, October 15, 2012

TWIST: 10/15/2012

This Week IShort-Term Missions:

  • We have a group of 11 going down October 13-20, 2012 to Port-au-Prince to build a house for a couple that lost theirs in the 2010 earthquake.  Pray that this house will become an extension of the church we are working with.
  • We have a group of 8 going down October 20-28, 2012 to Port-au-Prince to build a house for a couple that lost theirs in the 2010 earthquake.  Pray that this house will become an extension of the church we are working with.
The Caribbean
  • We have another prayer team of 6 people traveling from October 17-25, 2012 working with the nationals, praying for the ministries going one there, and seeing how they can better help in the future. 
South Korea
  • We have a team of 5 ladies performing an evangelism team from October 11-22, 2012 in Seoul.
Dominican Republic
  • We have a team from Indiana Wesleyan University traveling to Santo Domingo providing medical needs for the community while sharing the gospel to everyone that attends from October 13-20, 2012.
  • We have a prayer team of 3 people traveling from October 15-22, 2012 praying for the new ministries we will be beginning in the coming months around the city of Santiago.
Please pray for these teams and the ministry they will have on the people they interact with.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Steer Money to Missions

Do you know a farmer or rancher who may desire to be actively involved in missions but who may lack the capital to expand their herds or acreage in order to support missions like they really want to?

STEER, Inc. ("STEER") is an evangelical, agricultural, fundraising organization which supports missions around the world. The goal of STEER's ministry is to assist selected mission organizations with the fundraising necessary to bring about world evangelization.

STEER's stewardship program operates as follows: Donors provide cash for a $700 Unit. This Unit is insured by STEER, Inc. The $700 UNIT is invested with a farmer/rancher to buy livestock or assist in planting a crop for missions. This is only an investment from which earnings are sent to missions each year. When the farmer/rancher markets the livestock or crop, the gain is processed for missions by STEER and the Unit is reinvested.

Working together, the Donors and the Farmers and Ranchers help to provide the funds for the Lord's work so that the missionaries and mission projects that are the benefactors of this program can do what God has called them to.

Like Steer, Inc. One Mission Society believes that the Great Commission is for everyone.  OMS has a long history with Steer, Inc.  In fact, just last year, through the efforts of the ranchers and farmers, Steer, Inc. was able to send over $23,000.00 in support to missionaries within OMS and over $1.3 million to other missions organizations.  Since it's creation in 1957, Steer, Inc. has supported missions with over $18.5 million dollars. PRAISE THE LORD!

If you know a farmer or rancher who may be interested in this program, please pass this information along to them.  Keith Wright once said, "Lost people matter to God, and so they must matter to us." Let us act on this and not forget it until the Good Lord comes back for His people.

Monday, October 8, 2012


This Week IShort-Term Missions:

  • We have a group of 11 going down October 13-20, 2012 to Port-au-Prince to build a house for a couple that lost theirs in the 2010 earthquake.  Pray that this house will become an extension of the church we are working with.
The Caribbean
  • We have a prayer team of 6 people there from October 1-8, 2012 working with the nationals, praying for the ministries going one there, and seeing how they can better help in the future. 
South Korea
  • We have a team of 5 ladies performing an evangelism team from October 11-22, 2012 in Seoul.
Dominican Republic
  • We have a team from Indiana Wesleyan University traveling to Santo Domingo providing medical needs for the community while sharing the gospel to everyone that attends from October 13-20, 2012.
Please pray for these teams and the ministry they will have on the people they interact with.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Too Good Not To Share

This is a post from a blog belonging to an OMS Missionary in Haiti that I thought was too good not to share.  Thank you Matt and Stacey!

It all started because of the dress-code.

If you've ever visited the OMS Haiti field, you know what I'm talking about about.  No pants for women, ever.  No shorts.  Shirts must have sleeves, always.  Tattoos must be covered, no bikinis at the beach...the list gets pretty extensive.  

It's not so bad, once you get used to it.  To this day when Lily sees me stateside in jeans, she asks why I'm wearing "Poppy Pants."  

But, as you can imagine, teams aren't usually all that thrilled about doing construction projects in skirts, and when it's over 100 degrees all day, wearing a tank top sure sounds heavenly.  

So, every few years, as times change and dress seems to shift, inevitably it comes up at some missionary meeting that perhaps the code could, too.

Most recently, I've seen a lot more pastor's wives and women who are strongly professing their faith wearing thick strapped tank tops...not at church, heavens.  And no way at work.  But in their home, out in town, when shopping, cooking, ok.

But, before we vote to make a change (which would basically entail cutting sleeves off a few weekend shirts, since none of us really own any :), we all agreed it would be best to consult a few Christian Haitian leaders, recognizing that foreigners are watched rather closely, and desiring to be above reproach in a culture we are all seeking to represent Christ in.  

Matt was put on the "fact-finding committee" (you know the church...gotta have a committee for everything!) and so on his way to a F-O-U-R hour service Sunday (is it wrong to be semi-thankful the girls were spotty?), spoke to several of our student leaders about dress in Haiti.

He returned visibly disturbed.  (If YOU don't want to be, I'd stop reading here.)

Sometimes asking questions gets you answers that you can't live with.

Do you know how much it costs to hire a prostitute in Saccanville (where we live)?  
10 gourdes.  That. Is. 24. CENTS.  

Do you know how desperate this means people are?  

Do we know, I mean, really, what motivates someone to do this for 24 cents?

Do you know how many women and children (shudder) are in?  

The student's guess after living in Saccanville for 3-4 years was 50% or more of the women and young girls in Saccanville. 

We've been told for years that "Discos"--these little night club shacks set up along the road that blare loud party music when enough money has been assembled to run a generator--are "not for Christians.  Ever." 

What we didn't realize until Matt's fact-finding mission was that this is because they are brothels.  The men who go are looking, the women who go are selling, and the discos have bunks in the back.  

All of them?  I mean, there are 30 "Discos" between here and OMS Haiti's campus (6 miles from here).  

All of them.

And do you know how people know which 50% of women in Saccanville are available?  Because they're wearing pants.  And skinny-strapped shirts.  

"Wearing pants does NOT mean you are absolutely a prostitute," one student shared, and the others agreed.  "But it absolutely means you are not a Christian."

No question?  No question.

"It (prostitution) is," they told Matt, "what  everyone who does not know Jesus does.  You know how people are always telling us that they can't become Christians because of their lives?"

(Almost EVERYONE I tell about the Gospel says this. I always thought this just meant they were either witch-doctors profiting from the position, or sold cigarettes or lottery tickets or some cultural thing understood as something only non-Christians do.)

"It's because they're either constantly using prostitutes, or constantly using prostitution to buy food, provide for their families, send their kids to school.  They don't want to become Christians because they know they would need to change, and they are afraid of what that change would do to their income."

I felt sick as Matt shared this with me, thinking back to a young girl Belony and I used to disciple every week almost 2 years ago.

He was always harping on her about wearing different clothes, and it drove me crazy.  He was always sharing with her that she needed to dress differently, and I always thought we were talking about DRESS.  Something I've never believed God cared about.  I was always telling him to leave her alone and let her wear what she wanted...she could still follow Jesus wearing jeans!

But I realized as Matt shared the conversation with me that what Belony was telling her, and what she knew and he knew and everyone knew (except the naive foreigner) was to STOP prostituting herself.  To STOP letting her uncle sell her out for the price of her living in his home.  To STOP agreeing to provide for herself like that, and to trust the Lord to provide for her in a different way.

For years I have been frustrated that pastors often refuse to baptize people until they have jumped through a series of hoops...come through some growth process...weeks of Bible study...serious commitment and change and fruit in their lives (and again, sometimes dress being brought into the equation).   

And while there may well still be cases that I SHOULD be frustrated about, this new information makes me realize that some shepherds have been hesitant to baptize men and women who continue to be actively and willingly involved in prostitution, unwilling to leave prostitution or stop providing women for prostitution because of the financial gain.

And then of course, there is the question of "willing".  

Ah, my heart.  How many women and children, just in Saccanville alone, are "willing" because they have four starving children at home?  Are "willing" because their parents or care-givers are forcing them to contribute to the families desperate needs?  Are "willing" because they can't stand to see their kids grow up with NO education like they did, and are "willing" to, this year, send them to school no matter what.  Are "willing" because it is what everyone easy way to make ends meet?

I mean, how did I really think AIDS is so common here?  Why did I really think there are so many 13 year old moms walking past the Seminary?   

What can I do?

I see now--when I've wondered myself why I can't wear pants, maybe just sometimes, when I've judged Christian leaders for their stands, when I've thought to myself, "Well, I'm sure they'll find a way to make ends meet"-- that I had NO IDEA what I was talking about.

I probably still don't.

What can I do?

I want to walk up and down the streets and give quarters to every woman and child I see.  Every single day forever.  

I want to take every young girl and lock her onto the Seminary and love her and feed her and teach her and protect her.

I want the Lord to end it...How does He stand it?  How does He see all the dark corners of all the dark villages of all the dark countries of the world and..and...STAND IT.  

How have I lived 30 years and not realized it?  And what do I do, now I have?

I know, anew, that life without Christ is the same as eternity without Christ--HELL.  

I know, anew, that there is a lot of extreme, absurd, ridiculous Christianity to be lived (by us EACH, wherever we are) if there will be a change in the world.

I know, anew, that the freedom for which He died for me is a freedom the world is in desperate need for.  That the love with which He died for me is a love desperately needed.

I know, anew, that I will not look at her the same, tomorrow, when I pass her on the street.  That my new knowledge that I DO NOT UNDERSTAND will  flower as grace, as compassion.  That my constant harping on RELATIONSHIP, not preaching and leaving, must apply to her, too...must apply to more.

I know, anew, that what stemmed from sleeves now means I'll never be the same.

When you pull on whatever you pull on in the morning...pray for our little village and the world, will you?

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

An update from the IWU Medical Team in Ecuador

God moved in ways we never could have planned or imagined.  We had 616 patients who received either medical, dental or reading glasses and some received all three!

I was short a physician for Monday and Tues. but an old friend from Saraguro came to help out, Dr. Yonder Mogrovejo.  The rest of the week a young Christian doctor came to help us out and caught the vision for medical missions.  He can’t wait to come back.  Dr. Luis Vacacela from Saraguro was our dentist for the week.  Dr. Kime and Dr. Lehman worked like crazy as did Nancy Kime fitting glasses.

Our accommodations were very comfortable although the weather was pretty chilly (so we didn’t sweat all the time like usually at the beach)

Many people came from a small “squatters” community close to the church with many needs.  We even got to take part in a baptism right at the beach.

Saturday we got to tour Guayaquil and do some shopping.  The team was supposed to fly out on Saturday at midnight but that got delayed and they are just arriving home today, Tuesday!

Below are some pictures from the team.

Picture of the Baptism

The IWU Team

A lady getting fitted with reading glasses

Are We Eagerly Awaiting His Return?

As I was doing my morning study, a verse stood out to me.

2 Peter 3:14

"Therefore, dear friends, with this to look forward to, make every effort to have him find you at peace, without spiritual stains or blemishes."

Picture courtesy of
I must have read this verse at least 15 times over the past week, but as I read it again this morning, God brought this verse to light to me in a way I never had thought of it before.  The verse made me think, are we really eagerly awaiting His return?  The verse takes me back to when I took the SAT and ACT when preparing for college.  The test were timed and often times I found myself with not enough time to answer all the questions to my likening.  I would become flustered when I saw I only had a couple of minutes left for a particular section.  When time was up, anxiety would overcome my body as I asked myself, did I do my best?  Was I sure that was the right answer?  I can truly say I was never at peace with the SAT and ACT until my scores came in.

Likewise, I think, if we are truly honest with ourselves, most of us are not eagerly awaiting the return of Jesus Christ.  Many of us have become complacent in our lives and fallen into a routine that does not honor God at every turn.  I talk with people all the time that say, "I'm a Christian, but I'm not in a hurry to share my faith with my friends because I first have to build up enough trust in the relationship.  Besides, Christ hasn't returned to the earth in almost 2000 years, what's another day?"  

The truth of the matter is that if we knew Christ was coming back tomorrow, people would start panicking.  Friends that we knew weren't Christians we would be pleading with them to receive salvation.  People we have wronged in the past would come to our minds and we would want to ask for forgiveness.  Pictures of people all over the world would pop up in our minds all day.

God however tells us that the second coming will come like a thief in the night.  We will never know when that day comes.  It might be today, it might be tomorrow, or it might be in another 100 years.  Each day that is given, is another offer of salvation to non-believers around the world.  Are we taking advantage of each opportunity we are given to share the gift God has given you and me?  Only then, I feel, can we eagerly await His return.

Monday, October 1, 2012

October Newsletter

Check out our latest newsletter here.

TWIST- 10/01/2012

This Week IShort-Term Missions:

  • We have J. Burroughs serving in Cap Haitien, Haiti working with the Cowman School and other ministries in the area until October 3, 2012.
  • We have a medical team with 12 people from Indiana Wesleyan University working with S. Stiles in Anconcito and La Libertad that was supposed to leave for home on 09/29 but they have been stuck because of the Labor negotiations with American Airlines and it's pilots.  Please pray that they will be able to make it home safely soon.
The Caribbean
  • We have a prayer team of 6 people there from October 1-8, 2012 working with the nationals, praying for the ministries going one there, and seeing how they can better help in the future. 
Please pray for these teams and the ministry they will have on the people they interact with.