I was talking with a person the other day that made the comment, "Why don't we just celebrate Christmas like we celebrate the Olympics. Have Christmas once every four years." At first I thought he was joking, but as the conversation continued I realized he was serious. It gave me an awesome chance to witness to him. Come to find out he was not a Christian and thought of Christmas as just another holiday created by retail stores to entice shoppers to spend more money. My heart broke for him. I was able to share the true meaning of Christmas with him and invited him to come to know Jesus as his Lord and Savior.
I think often times Christians often get confused and distracted about the true meaning of Christmas. I know at times I do. As 2011 approaches we hope that each of you continue to keep your eyes on the prize (Hebrews 12:1-3).
For those of you interested, here's an amazing opportunity February 25 -Sunday February 27 to take a more in-depth view of missions. For more info contact pcox@onemissionsociety.org or call 317-888-3333 ext. 317
Briyana and I will be in the Austin area at the beginning of the year. We would love to get together with any of you.
God Bless and HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Brent & Briyana