Thursday, December 30, 2010

End of the Year

Christmas is our favorite time of year, and Briyana and I hope you had a wonderful celebration.  We celebrated Christmas with my family and will celebrate Christmas with Briyana's family on New Years Eve.  It was a blast getting together with family!  We enjoyed breakfast with the family, shared presents, and played games and watched movies the rest of the day.  That evening we received JuneBug's first present to us.  We felt JuneBug kick for the first time.  Even with all the excitement and relaxation it got me to thinking.  Without Christmas, my world would be turned upside down.  If Jesus wasn't born, Christmas would cease to exists.  I wouldn't be a Christian.  I would be a horrible husband, selfish person, and my job would be meaningless.

I was talking with a person the other day that made the comment, "Why don't we just celebrate Christmas like we celebrate the Olympics.  Have Christmas once every four years."  At first I thought he was joking, but as the conversation continued I realized he was serious.  It gave me an awesome chance to witness to him.  Come to find out he was not a Christian and thought of Christmas as just another holiday created by retail stores to entice shoppers to spend more money.  My heart broke for him.  I was able to share the true meaning of Christmas with him and invited him to come to know Jesus as his Lord and Savior. 

I think often times Christians often get confused and distracted about the true meaning of Christmas.  I  know at times I do.  As 2011 approaches we hope that each of you continue to keep your eyes on the prize (Hebrews 12:1-3).

For those of you interested, here's an amazing opportunity February 25 -Sunday February 27 to take a more in-depth view of missions.  For more info contact or call 317-888-3333 ext. 317

Briyana and I will be in the Austin area at the beginning of the year.  We would love to get together with any of you.
God Bless and HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Brent & Briyana

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Getting Back Into the Swing of Things

Thanksgiving was great!  Briyana and I enjoyed looking back on what we had to be thankful for and ate plenty of turkey.  Now we are trying to get back into our daily routines and looking forward to Christmas.  It will be here quicker than we realize.

As the year comes to an end, Men For Missions looks back on a successful year.  By the end of the year, Men For Missions and One Missions Society will have sent out 544 people on 81 teams to 20 different countries.  

The breakdown looks like this:
24 Evangelism teams to 10 countries
11 Medical teams to 20 countries
6 Prayer teams to 6 countries
36 Work teams to 8 countries, and
4 Vision teams to 2 countries

Thank you again for your support and prayers!  These trips would not have occurred and would not have been successful without YOUR prayers and support.  The Kingdom of God is growing each day with YOUR support and prayers.  You are just as involved in what Men For Missions and One Mission Society does as we are.  

Be on the lookout for our December Newsletter.  We have wonderful stories from the mission field and exciting news about us inside our newsletter. It should be arriving in your mailbox in the next couple of weeks.  If you would like to join our mailing list, please email us at  

God Bless!

Brent and Briyana